Prigonesti (Romania)

Prigonesti - Apuseni - We Roam Europe - Powered by DLOT

Exploring the wilderness of what it used to be a hamlet in the Apuseni Mountains: sour cherries, Devil’s Fingers and amazing views.

Inelet hamlet (Romania)

Romania Inelet hamlet Part of the Domogled Natural Park, Cerna Valley is known for the isolated hamlets, almost entirely disconnected from civilization: Scarisoara, Cracu Mare, Prisăcina, Dobraia, Inelet and more. There are few people still living in the hamlets, around 80 households with no electricity, access roads and markets. Some have improvised hydro-power. To reach […]

Domogled Natural Park (Romania)

Domogled - Cerna Valley - Parcul Natural Domogled Valea Cernei

Romania Domogled Natural Park Domogled Cerna-Valley is a protected area located in the Southern Carpathians. It covers more than 60.000 ha, making it the biggest nature reserve of Romania. The best way to trully see the beauties of the park is by taking the road from Cerna Sat to Campu lui Neag – Petrosani.  The […]

Apuseni Natural Park (Romania)

Romania Apuseni Nature Park Located in western Romania, Apuseni preserves dolines, shallow funnel-shaped valleys, karstic plateaus, dry valleys and gorges. The Apuseni Mountains are remarkable both for its surface and variety of forms. In this area there are many touristic hiking tracks accessible to anyone. It is also suitable for caving, canoeing, rafting, skiing and […]

Haunted forest (Romania)

Hoia Baciu Forest - Romania Travel - Forests - Legends (17)

Romania Hoia-Baciu haunted forest The Hoia Baciu forest has a reputation for intense paranormal activity. Many stories talk about UFO’s, ghosts, lights with no logical source, malfunctioning electronics and other unexplained phenomena which have contributed to its notoriety. It was named after a shepherd who went missing in the forest with a flock of 200 […]