Hiking Romania
Tureni Gorge
Tureni Gorge is suitable for hiking during all seasons but one must be very careful on rainy times as the rocks are slippery
Located at 23 km away from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the gorges are 1850 m long and the walls (100-150 m high) are decorated with different karst shapes: waterfalls, marbles, natural bridges, pins and rock towers and caves.
The area is frequented by archaeologists for the 53 residential complexes of some Neolithic civilizations, Thracian even pre-Thracian civilizations. The keys are also a favorite place for rock-climbers.
We took a hiking trail marked with the blue circle, starting from Tureni village. We went up on the plateau, down into the gorge and walked along the river. To return, we climbed through the forest up to the other side of the plateau and returned to the starting point.
The wather was really capricious in January so we had more seasons in one day, from sunny to clouded and even a snow storm.